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COGIC World Missions
Journey Center
COGIC World Missions Timeline



Dominican Republic - Established 2016
Purchased Building in 2017 (CWM and Bishop Ron Gibson) Since opening in 2017 the center has rescued 186 girls. The girls are able to stay in the center for up to 3 months. The Center houses girls that have been rescued from Human Trafficking, forced child prostitution and various abusive situations. The girls are vetted and sent directly by the Department of Children Services (Conani), then interviewed and assessed by our In-House Licensed Child Psychologist. We currently have 5 girls that are permanently with us due to the government not being able to find them permanent safe places. Two girls have graduated while in the program and are now attending University. The girls are given individual and group therapy weekly along with medical visits and for the permanent girls they are enrolled into private schools. Each permanent girl has an American sponsor that pays for their schooling. The centers’ operating budget is raised through the Resident and Advisory Missionaries individual fundraising efforts. Additions to the building and maintenance. In 2020 the Center built and opened the Ron Gibson Educational Building (Cost $17,000).
Also, in 2020 the house had to have a brand-new roof put on as well as all bathrooms needed to be completely replaced (Cost $11,000). Bishop Ron Gibson and the Missionaries fundraised for the monies for both projects. The Center has completed all the government requirements and will be eligible for employee salary assistance in 2023. The center currently has 5 employees: 2 housemothers, 1 Licensed Psychologist, 1 maintenance worker and 1 part-time IT tech.
France - Prospected New Project
The Journey Center will operate a Day Center for Homeless teens mostly from Haiti and French speaking African Countries. The center will offer a hot meal everyday along with counseling both mental health and drug and alcohol. The center will in addition offer housing and job assistance. The center will work directly with governmental offices.
Journey Center Kenya - Established 2021
The center is a Vocational Training program for girls that have been rescued from forced child marriages. The program consists of two vocational training classes taught by Nationally Certified teachers Dressmaking/Fashion Design and Hair and Beauty. The program is for one year. After completion of the program the girls will participate in an internship and then sit for the National Vocational Exam. The program started in January of 2021 and the girls are currently in their internships with professional designers and top hair salons. The exam is slated for November 28th. The girls will graduate on November 16, 2022 with each girl receiving their own sewing machine or hair drying and comb set to begin their new lives. The program has twenty students. The program likewise offers a free daycare completely equipped with certified childcare workers. The center also employs a Professional counselor that offers individual and group therapy once a week for the girls. The program additionally offers a Craft and Design class. This class allows the girls the opportunity to learn skills that they can use immediately to make finances for their family. The Center employs 14 people: 3 teachers, 3 daycare workers, 1 cook, 1 security guard, director, assistant director, admin assistant, 1 maintenance and 1 ground workers. The program also sponsors two University students with a full ride scholarship with room and board ($6,000 annually) along with one student in completing high school. The center covers all uniform cost and fees ($300 Annually).
Additional Items The Center paid for a bore hole to be repaired in order for the entire village to have clean drinking water (cost $2,400). The church allows the center to use the building however the repair of the building along with all the materials and equipment totaled to $25,000
Portugal - In Progress


Nigeria - In Progress
Ghana - In Progress


Peru - In Progress
Jamaica - In Progress


Malawi - In Progress
Benin - In Progress


Brazil - In Progress

Puerto Rico - Prospected New Project
The Journey Center will operate a Shelter for displaced families and individuals. In this area the people are still recovering from the earthquake which has left several people homeless and jobless. The goal of this center is to house families and individuals as well as to offer job training and counseling.
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